Why you need motivation

Why you need motivation

There’s little to debate that motivation is the key to progress. Everyone must develop their own passions in order to evolve in life. When you want to grow or improve yourself, you have to try new things. Without doing so, you won’t achieve things such as self-recognition and respect, which are vital aspects in a healthy life.

You may not realize it, but you motivate yourself every day in many small ways. For instance, right now, you’ve just motivated yourself to read through this book. Chances are you’re here because you’d like to better some aspects of your life.

Or, on a more generic level, you go to work because there is the motivation of a paycheck at the end of the month. You work hard so that you can earn appreciation and acknowledgement among peers, or perhaps the ability to do something that you love motivates you to get up every morning and go to work.

If you have a great boss at work, someone who takes time out to know their employees or appreciates a job well done, maybe that’s what motivates you to go to work and give it your best.

Workplace issues aside, you also motivate yourself in many everyday situations. If you’re a giver or someone wishes to help others, you may be motivated to donate your time or money to a cause. If you’re driven by a desire for achievement, you may spend hours studying just to get into a prestigious university.

Likewise, if self-expression drives you, you may be motivated to become a writer or if you’re an athlete then perhaps you’re driven by the thrill of a sport, the challenge of winning the game, or you are simply driven by playing at your personal best.

At its simplest, this is what motivation is. It can come from yourself, or someone else may push you to do something. Wherever the source, motivation is the initiative to succeed and surpass limits you or anyone else draws for you.

There are many situations in which motivation can affect your decisions, but they don’t all come from the same motivator. Some things require a big step to take action, while others like the above mentioned just need a little shove to get you going. That is the magic of motivation.

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